Surviving business related material from the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

Dissolution of Melia and John Pilling partnership, reported in the London Gazette in June 1921.
Business cards used by Melia’s Transport and early BRS

Card in use during the late 1930s. This one had a photograph of an eight-wheeler ERF with Thames Board branding.

Business cards in use during 1949 and 1950. The old Melias Transport card being over-stamped with British Road Services.

1937 share certificate

Above: Thomas Melia attending a Road Haulage Association dinner, probably in 1946. He is seated on table 19 in the centre of the five people closest to the bannister.
Left: Thomas Melia (right) accompanied by another RHA member attending a conference.
Below: Final cheque drawn on the Melias Transport Bolton Ltd account. Dated April 24th 1957.